Buy Local Buy Fresh
The Buy Local Buy Fresh map is here for everyone to take advantage of our producers great local food!
A printed map with short descriptions of each vendor is a great asset to keep in the vehicle and head out for fresh food. also shows the county wide map and is interactive with ‘trails’ of recipes whether salsa, turkey dinner or fruit dessert is on your mind.
The printed maps are at all map participants sites as well as our sponsors: County of Elgin, SouthWest Public Health Unit, Elgin Federation of Agriculture and Harvest Bowl sites.
Keep it on hand and spring into 2021 for the maple syrup, asparagus seasons!
Included is the jpg of the cover.
For more information contact:
Donna Lunn, [email protected], 519.859.6988
Erna Coffin, (EC Design) [email protected], 519.860.1893