A Call for Submissions for the Aylmer Art Exhibit!

Are you an artist who lives in Elgin County? Do you have artwork you would like to put on display for the community to see?

Mennonite Community Services is excited to announce that they will be hosting an upcoming Aylmer Art Exhibit on Thursday, October 18, 2018, 1pm-8pm at the Old Town Hall Theatre in Aylmer, ON (38 John St S, Aylmer, ON, N5H 2C2).

To all artists residing in Elgin County – please send us submissions of YOUR artwork for show in the Aylmer Art Exhibit!!

Deadline for submissions is Friday, October 5, 2018. Paintings, framed drawings, prints, or photographs, textiles, sculpture, and woodwork are all welcome. We would love to showcase a diverse sampling of the local artistic talents in Elgin County and welcome your submissions. Please include a clear photograph of the work you are submitting for entry with your submission form.

Not sure if your artwork will qualify? Have questions after you’ve read the submission form and information page? Give us a call at 519.765.3020, or e-mail [email protected].

Click the link for the submission form and attached information sheet: Aylmer Art Exhibit Submission Form

A Call for Submissions for the Aylmer Art Exhibit! Read More »

Getting the Most Out of your Healthcare Appointment

Health care appointments can be stressful for any patient. Research shows that patients forget 50% of the information shared during an appointment. Contributing factors include stress; too much information provided too quickly, unfamiliar medical jargon and the patient’s self-confidence level.


MCS, in partnership with the SW Self Management Program, is excited to present the “Getting the most out of your healthcare appointment” workshop. This 1 – 1.5  hour, interactive workshop, focuses on what to do before, during and after an appointment and uses action planning to optimize people’s health. This workshop prepares and empowers individuals to communicate more effectively with their health care provider.


If you are interested in attending the workshop, please call MCS at (519) 765-3020. Please pass the news about this workshop along to anyone whom you think would benefit from it!

Getting the Most Out of your Healthcare Appointment Read More »


A BIG thank you to everyone who helped out with our 18th Annual MCS Fundraising Auction and Food Fest!!

A special thank you to the many volunteers who helped make this event a great success, from planning, advertising, set-up, tech support, auctioneering, food booths, baby blanket contest judges,  administrative and more!!

And a great big thank you to all those who attended and supported the work of MCS and MCC by purchasing food, auction items, haircuts; participating in our baby blanket contest; bringing your change to My Coins Count, and more!

Stay tuned for final numbers on what was raised that day, and more pictures!

THANK YOU! Read More »

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