Employment Services

This Employment Ontario program is funded by the Government of Ontario.
20 Talbot St. E, Aylmer, ON N5H 1H4
*NEW Hours as of April 1, 2025
Hours of Operation:
Mon - Fri 8:30am- 4:30pm

Online Job Search Sites we recommend:

MCS Employment Services is the place in our community where we can address all your employment needs. Whether you are a job seeker or an employer looking for workers, we are here to assist you. We offer access to funded programs, career assessments, resume and cover letter writing, retraining and upgrading referrals and supported job search. In addition, we support employers by providing job posting assistance, training incentives and basic recruitment guidance. All of these services are free, open to anyone in the community and can be provided in Low German. MCS Employment is an Employment Ontario Service Provider.
Better Jobs Ontario (formerly Second Careers): Qualified people can access government funding to get training for a new career through college and professional schools programs. With a clear post-secondary plan, clients can also access funding, while getting their Grade 12 diploma.
Job Creation Program: The Job Creation Partnerships (JCP) program provides funding to eligible employers that support projects while creating opportunities to eligible job seekers to gain meaningful work experiences.
Job Search Support and Workshops: Job seekers get help and advice on all aspects of finding and keeping a job. Clients receive help with resumes, cover letters, interviews, cold calls, networking, online job searches, etc., through counseling and workshops. When needed, clients are also referred to community partners for special needs, income support, legal issues, and skills and educational assessments.
Employer Support: Employers can advertise job postings and receive assistance in obtaining resumes from qualified people for their openings. Employers may also be eligible for funding to help cover training and apprenticeship costs.
MCS Staff
Employment Counselor: Susan Loewen
Employment Resource Assistant: Tina Giesbrecht
Employment Resources
Fanshawe College Career & Employment Services - our partner at Aylmer Community Services. Available in St. Thomas and Aylmer.
Employment Ontario - The Ontario government provides funding, programs, and resources for job seekers. See our staff at Aylmer Community Services for more details.
Employment Services Elgin - Employment Services Elgin provides tools and resources for employers and job seekers in Elgin County.
Worktrends - Provides work trends and labour market information for St. Thomas, London, and Woodstock for Job Seekers, Employers/HR Professionals, Educators/Career Counsellors, and Students.
Workforce Planning & Development Board- Enhancing our workforce by gathering local labour market information and building strong community partnerships.
Apprentice Search - ApprenticeSearch.com is a free online job search and matching platform with an exclusive focus on apprenticeship trade positions in Canada.